Moto Golf 7345 S Durango Dr, Ste B107 Las Vegas, NV 89113 USA ph +1 702-723-8348

Tuesday, 10 April 2018

Buy the Best of MGI’s Electric Caddy : MGI Zip X5 and MGI Zip X3

Golf has it’s root since a long time back. But, it is unclear from where did the game of Golf came into existence and is a topic of debate.

However, it is accepted that modern day Golf has it’s roots from Scotland.

The game of Golf was accepted internationally during the late 19th Century, when it was played in United Kingdom and United States.

And since then many developments has been happening in the game of golf wherein many records has been made and changes have occurred to make the sport entertaining.

During this time MGI started it’s operations and was constantly in research about Electric Caddy, one of the most important thing to carry in a golf course. An Electric Caddy carries all the clubs of a golfer and makes it easy for a golfer to walk across the golf course.

MGI has a rich experience of 25 years in developing Electric Caddie. The passion for golf helps MGI in making innovation for golfers.

MGI Zip X5 and MGI Zip X3 are one of the examples of the innovation and passion of MGI in developing the best of electric Caddie.

These caddie come with some of the revolutionary features that makes it a hot cake in the market.

Some of the main features that distinguish these two from the rest in the market are very light weight and compact which makes it easy to carry in your personal vehicles, Controlled distance function, lockable and swivelling front wheels, foldable rear fourth wheel for extra stability, warranty period of 2 years with an issue rate of less than 1% during the warranty period speaks for the quality of products delivered by MGI.

Thus, every time you look for an electric caddy then watch for MGI’s latest electric caddie that will keep your equipments safe and secured.

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