Moto Golf 7345 S Durango Dr, Ste B107 Las Vegas, NV 89113 USA ph +1 702-723-8348

Sunday, 22 September 2019

Motocaddy M3 – The Beast Of A Caddy Partner for Golfers

Amateur or PRO Golfer – The caddy becomes a must for everyone.
The arena serves you no good if you haven’t had the best equipment for yourself. Be it the golf club, the gloves, the putt, or the caddy, picking the right ones (if not expensive ones) will get you through your ultimate goals.
The Motocaddy M3 is one of those such valuable additions that you would admire to have partnered with. Rest assured, the movement will be flexible, versatile, and time-saving for you.
So, how this electric golf trolley turns up for you? Discover below.
The compact-folding M3 brings you the delight to carry it anywhere, especially because of its bold and modern design with the SlimFold mechanism. In a lightweight frame, the innovative inverting wheels let you sail through the ground. Enriching features like LCD full color screen with high resolution, USB charging port, adjustable distance control, Clock and Round timer, Onboard charging, and many more, the Motocaddy M3 shows the way to become an ideal partner for a golfer.  
Where to buy?
Classic experts would suggest you to personally visit a nearby golf store or retailer or supplier for purchases. However, it is recommended that you shop online and find exclusive deals for yourself. Since it gives you plentiful opportunity to explore several online golf shops and compare these models, you will be more than happy at the end with a lightning deal. Remember, you must shop from reliable stores with appropriate refund and cancellation policy. Also, consider some reviews and ratings before considering an online deal.